Connect Bridge of Earn with Slow Ways

We’re creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks

more walks and reviews are needed to fully connect Bridge of Earn to the verified network. Can you give a hike and help?

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Bridge of Earn / Drochaid Èireann

Perth and Kinross

Slow Ways linking Bridge of Earn and Abernethy, Auchterarder, Milnathort, Perth

Scotland / Perth and Kinross / Bridge of Earn

Bridge of Earn’s four Slow Ways are 63% checked

Drawn: 4/4
reviewed: 4/4
verified: 2/4
and surveyed: 0/4

Help connect Bridge of Earn

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Bridge of Earn’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Bridge of Earn from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Auchterarder—Bridge of Earn
Aucbri one

Double check Distance 25km/15mi Ascent 280m Descent 377m
Auchterarder—Bridge of Earn
Aucbri two

Double check Distance 24km/15mi Ascent 393m Descent 489m
Auchterarder—Bridge of Earn
Aucbri three Review me Distance 24km/15mi Ascent - Descent -
Bridge of Earn—Abernethy
Briabe one

Double check Distance 9km/6mi Ascent 170m Descent 144m
Bridge of Earn—Abernethy
Briabe two Verify me Distance 9km/6mi Ascent - Descent -
Milnathort—Bridge of Earn
Milbri one Survey me Distance 18km/11mi Ascent 323m Descent 429m
Perth—Bridge of Earn
Perbri one Survey me Distance 7km/4mi Ascent 98m Descent 94m
Perth—Bridge of Earn
Perbri two Survey me Distance 13km/8mi Ascent - Descent -

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Bridge of Earn and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

59% of Bridge of Earn’s four route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









8 people have contributed to Bridge of Earn’s Slow Ways

3 people have pledged to walk and review a route

0 people have surveyed a route in Bridge of Earn

129km out of 129km have been walked and reviewed

279km of reviews have been shared in Bridge of Earn

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It has been mapped to avoid walking alongside the busy A913 but if you were in a rush and not wanting to climb the hill twice for the magnificent view across the Tay to the Sidlaw hills you could follow a direct and quicker route to Abernethy from Aberdargie. All of the route is on quiet roads (walking and cycling friendly), roads with pavements alongside, tracks and footpaths. Leaving the tower and cross in central Abernethy (there is an interesting local museum here), the route follows pavements out of the town and then turns sharply left, just before the main road, up a waymarked track. In Aberdargie the route follows a track alongside a burn and down to some riding stables. The route then follows a permissive path alongside a field to the Wicks o’ Baiglie Road. At the end of the track, the route joins another quiet road (walking and cycling friendly) and follows this into Bridge of Earn where there are shops, a hotel, and a bus service linking this town to Perth and Edinburgh....

Johanna B

Walk this route

This route is not possible as it has been mapped in Abernethy to follow a track/drive through someone’s garden....

Johanna B

Walk this route

It is a good route, avoiding main roads except for short stretches at Aberargie and Bridge of Earn where it follows pavements. From Abernethy the route uses pavements until the Rough Glen path is reached. The two ascents can be avoided by staying on the footway beside the busy A913 between Aberargie and Abernethy, which would be a shorter but much more boring route. The river is crossed on a wide farm bridge with no parapets, then the route follows a muddy field edge track. Another field edge track, this time signposted at both ends as a path, leads beside the Dron Burn....

F Berry

Walk this route
Bridge of Earn—Abernethy

F Berry added Briabe two, a new walk from Bridge of Earn to Abernethy

Walk this route

This is a good route, marred by the fact that it goes through someone's garden within Abernethy. I will therefore submit an alternative route avoiding the garden, but otherwise the same....

F Berry

Walk this route

The start of this walk up Moncrieffe Hill is incredibly steep but great views of the river on the otherside. The walk into Perth is not so lovely - you are met with burnt out cars and warehouses. It is however a straightforward route and gets you into Perth no problem....

May Robson

Walk this route

We started at the crack of dawn and were serenaded by birds and the thrum of wind turbines....

May Robson

Walk this route

This is a good walk - the route up Moncrieffe Hill (through the wood) will get your heart pace up - it's steep! Lovely scenes once you get onto the other side and head towards Perth. The final stretch into Perth is very industrial....

Hannah Ustun

Walk this route

Lots not do-able on bikes - but a great walk....

Hannah Ustun

Walk this route

The path takes a sharp right out of Bridge of Earn and up through Moncrieff Hill, rather than around it....


Walk this route

The walk from Milnathort to Glenfarg large follows a quiet and very walkable road, that goes through a lot of farm land with gentle, rolling hills. You follow the same road out of Glenfarg until veering off onto a farm road to the left, where you shortly hit Lochelbank windfarm....


Walk this route

Review of Slow Ways Route Perbri two (Perth to Bridge of Earn). The route leaves Bridge of Earn via the bridge over the River Earn and quickly turns right along Rhynd Road. It therefore comes as a relief when the route turns into the access road for the Moncrieffe Hill Wood. At the T-junction, the route takes the left hand (private) road which passes under the Friarton Bridge towering overhead and eventually leads to an industrial estate at Lower Friarton and then Friarton Road....


Walk this route

At the time of walking, this part of the route was closed to road traffic due to extensive building work but open to pedestrians and cyclists. Once past the motorway slip road, the route drops downhill (still following a wide pavement) and passes under several loops of the Friarton Interchange. The remainder of the route is along the pavement beside the Edinburgh Road (now the A912)....


Walk this route

However I can only give it one star, as the route is blocked where it is drawn through the gardens of Glenearn House, also the route is badly drawn east of Culteuchar. I do not think that this route would be possible for wheelers to follow due to the extremely steep gradient and roughness of the track southwest of Glenearn, and the high percentage of it on roads with traffic. From Auchterarder High Street the route follows a direct route out of the town, there are pavements beside Abbey Road until the road crosses the A9 dual carriageway on a bridge The route then follows minor roads which are relatively quiet, the most difficult bit being where the route passes beneath a railway line and sight lines are poor. Between the railway bridge and Pairney the route lies next to the Pairney Burn, which is quite pleasant. It is better to follow the track shown on 1:50k, about 100m north of the field boundary, this follows the direct route of a track, and on through a gate at the col just west of Castle Law fort where there is a very small pond. Whilst looking for a route past the house and garden I was advised that there was no alternative route to bypass Glenearn House, and that I should take the minor road towards Pitkeathley then turn left....

F Berry

Walk this route

It then uses a new bridge over the Water of May (old bridge upstream is dangerous) and continues on a farm track through woodlands to exit the estate at a locked gate (easy to climb over). Just east of Forgandenny Primary School the route uses a road (gap beside gate) which is marked as 'No unauthorised access', but 100yds down the path there is a fingerpost indicating a path through recent woodland , then the route crosses through a field – there may be livestock here, or crops, at other times of year, but the path is well trodden. (An easy alternative route would take you on the road which goes to Forgandenny Cottages, and the Freeland Farm access track.). Altogether a good route, only deserving 3 stars due to the considerable amount of road walking, and the locked gate at Invermay....

F Berry

Walk this route
Auchterarder—Bridge of Earn

F Berry added Aucbri three, a new walk from Auchterarder to Bridge of Earn

Walk this route

The route then leaves the farm track and takes a minor trodden path along the northern side of the Water of May. Overall this is a good route but I have since explored the area in order to identify a better route omitting the overgrown path above the steep drop down to the Water of May....

F Berry

Walk this route

Tarmac paths walking alongside the main Perth road, one hill at Craigend (#50m ascent), but otherwise flat. You walk past the Recycling Centre in Perth and through the Harbour, and whilst interesting once, is not particularly scenic. But the start of the walk is alongside farmed fields, and the end of the walk is alongside the South Inch park and River Tay....

Andy New

Walk this route

I wouldn't say it's the most direct route, it does 2 quite big diversions up hills and across open country - faster routes exist using "cycling and walking friendly" roads. There are quite a few gates that are hard to open - some held to, with twisted bits of wire - and some stiles that would make it hard for some....

Philip Cooper

Walk this route

This is an excellent route, being totally on core paths, roads with a 40mph speed limit ('walking & cycling friendly road'), and footways (pavements) within settlements. The route leaves Milnathort along a back street, the Old Perth Road, which it follows over the motorway and uphill as far as Blairnathort; this road is a ' walking & cycling friendly road'. North of Glenfarg the route follows a footway to Paris Bridge, then another 'walking & cycling friendly road' until the ancient Right of Way, the Wallace Road, is gained. From West Dron there are short sections of 'walking & cycling friendly road' linked by a good path past Summerfield Wood....

F Berry

Walk this route

If a step free route is required between Perth and Bridge of Earn, my suggestion is to use National Cycle Route 775 from the North Inch to Bridge of Earn. This follows PerBri two from Perth, through the North Inch, under the railway and along Craigie Road , continuing to Gleneagles Road and joining the footway beside the A912, which is PerBri one, all the way to Bridge of Earn, The A912 is crossed once, in Craigend, but there is a traffic island so this can be done safely....

F Berry

Walk this route

The route as a whole would be impossible for wheelers, due to the pedestrian bridge over the railway, however it would be easy enough to take PerBri1 from the centre of Perth then link up with this route as it enters Lower Friarton. It leaves the cycle route on a footpath towards Tesco's, crosses the A912 at traffic lights, and heads down a residential street to cross the railway line at a footbridge (photo). A good track takes the route to the minor road (which loops round to Elcho Castle), but this is rather tedious, being very straight. It passes beneath the M90, then along a footway beside the A912 it's a short distance over the bridge over the River Earn and into Bridge of Earn. Buses between Bridge of Earn and Perth are approximately hourly. There is a café and farm shop at Home Farm 300m north of the junction of the A912 and the road to Elcho, and other facilities in Bridge of Earn....

F Berry

Walk this route
Perth—Bridge of Earn

F Berry added Perbri two, a new walk from Perth to Bridge of Earn

Walk this route
Milnathort—Bridge of Earn

F Berry added Milbri one, a new walk from Milnathort to Bridge of Earn

Walk this route
Auchterarder—Bridge of Earn

Slow Ways added Aucbri one, a new walk from Auchterarder to Bridge of Earn

Walk this route
Auchterarder—Bridge of Earn

Slow Ways added Aucbri two, a new walk from Auchterarder to Bridge of Earn

Walk this route
Bridge of Earn—Abernethy

Slow Ways added Briabe one, a new walk from Bridge of Earn to Abernethy

Walk this route
Perth—Bridge of Earn

Slow Ways added Perbri one, a new walk from Perth to Bridge of Earn

Walk this route

Bridge of Earn, Tue 25 June



Bridge of Earn’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

56.34986° / -3.40715°

Easting / Northing

313,133E / 718,392N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Bridge of Earn and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


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